Saturday, June 21, 2008

Far Cry

This place is a far cry from home. Just a few discoveries this week which have brought this to my attention:

1. Just because the title is in English and the slogans are in German does not mean that the disc itself necessarily contains any European language. At all.

2. There is nothing quite so surreal as discovering a place called "JJ's Pizza", run by Chinese guys, in a dirty and dark neighborhood, and furthermore discovering that the pizza-tossing video which is looping on their TV contains clips of two young men tossing pizzas on the stage in the center of Ole Miss's Grove. We just stared.

3. Chinese DVD dealers possess an internal radar which tells them, "If you present this young man with a box set of Battlestar Galactica, he will buy it from you, even though he only came in here to buy a movie for tonight. Yes, he is that stupid."
3a. Battlestar Galactica seems, so far, to be an awesome show.

4. The concept of unconditional love, even for strangers, is a relatively difficult one to communicate across a language barrier, but seems to be an interesting topic for discussion.

5. "Umbrella" is a good song.
5a. It is not a good song when played in the room above you at a volume loud enough to shake your desk.
5b. Especially when it is most likely being played by an Indian med student who probably doesn't speak enough English to understand, "Turn the freaking music down. And just this time: Please."
5c. Especially when this is not a one-time occurrence.

Wearing headphones,


Emily said...

What is the Battlestar Galactica look? Do you exude a certain level of "Nerd"? ;o) I wonder how excited they got when you entered the store...

"When the sun shine
We'll shine together"

Love you more!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what a deaf med student will specialize in? Or, are the floors and walls are so thin that your desk is really connected to his speaker cone..

Have fun - Uncle Rick

Anonymous said...

hehe. This is funny. I love your writing style, too. I particularly enjoyed number five.... It's a completely hilarious mental picture.

take care.