Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Horizons

Well, if I could see the horizon, that is. Behold, the fog of the century:

We made it safely with all our luggage intact after just over 24 hours of travel. Our trip took us through Memphis, Chicago, and Beijing before we hit Qingdao, and I have to say that I was disappointed in Chicago; we spent 5 hours there, and I didn't see a single gangster. I guess they don't hang out at the airport.

Random place to eat at O'Hare:

We interviewed one student about his experience with this "world famous" Billy Goat burger.

Interviewer: How is it?
Student: Well, it's world famous for a reason.
Interviewer: Is it good?
Student:, not really.

And there you have it, a harrowing tale of greasiness above and so far beyond the call of duty.

One of the in-flight movies shown between Chicago and Beijing was "Jumper", a sci-fi action flick about a man who can instantly teleport to any location he's visited before. It was as though United Airlines was saying, "See, wouldn't it be awesome if you could do this? But, haha! You have to endure 13-hour flights with us! Doesn't real life suck?" I console myself with the fact that real life contains far more character development.

We spent part of the interminable terminal wait by playing with Jessie's 20Q, a hand-held computer which is scarily good at guessing any object you can think of within 20 questions. Some of the things it successfully guessed:


We stumped it with "Zeus", however.

Speaking of questions, please comment with any questions you'd like me to answer here. I'd hate to think I was writing a bunch of stuff no one was interested in.

And speaking of writing things, here's my address for the summer:

Nathan Taylor (University of Mississippi)
Qingdao University International Center
308 Ningxia Rd.
Qingdao 266071
P. R. China

Feel free to send cards, letters, cash, or proposals of marriage, all of which will be given due consideration. Also, if you'd like to receive a Qingdao postcard or something, e-mail your address to me at: timorDOTnonDOTestATgmailDOT you know how e-mail addresses end, and I'll see what I can do.

Settled in,


Emily said...

Why would you name a burger place "Billy Goat"...conjurs up all kinds of frightening images...

And he threw all the parts up in the air....and that's where we get the platypus.

Great writing! Miss you already.

FYI - this word verification thing (to post a comment) is NOT a word that I any language :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any gangsters in Chicago either... go figure.

Interesting writing... I think I shall follow this blog this summer. However, I may or may not always comment.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it there in one (relative) piece. We met a girl (R's graduation) who is starting the intensive Chinese study at Ole Miss. Saw her this past Sunday and she remembers you talking to them before you left.

How has the earth quake impacted the people on the coast? Is it still a major news item?

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safe. I already miss you dude, with you and Lauren gone Beau and Rachel are my only friends left in town. You never really said weather or not jumper was any good. Is it? Have fun dude, and don't pick up any strange Chinese women.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm checking something for the parental unit.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nathan! We hope things are going really, really well for you! Our family and our Sunday School Class are praying for you! We look forward to reading about your trip throughout the summer!
Much love and many blessings ~
The Ramseys

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you got there safely, dude. Looking forward to reading about your misadventures this year.

Anonymous said...

So, just how much KFC have you eaten so far?

Anonymous said...

Hey, u posted that on my birthday!